Bryan Mew (bb.mew)

Australian emerging artist born in Hong Kong, Mew’s practice involves co-mingling digital and analogue techniques to produce outcomes relevant to an emergent digital era.

As a digital experience designer and trained in the artistic discipline of painting at RMIT Melbourne, his artworks critique the relevance and significance of painting in the 21st century, posing questions such as “What is the relationship between paint and data in contemporary society?” and “How do we ensure emerging technologies can co-exist with traditional analogue mediums such as painting and drawing?’. Mew experiments with AI, machine learning as well as emerging technology to inform and extend his painting practice.

Neo-human series

A collection of unique prints driven by painted data sources, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Choose a neo-human that is uniquely ‘you’, one that captivates yet stimulates your attention.

Red Gallery Exhibition

‘Figuratively speaking’ – The biological, the synthetic and the human all converge in an instance, a phenomenon that represents an alternative future in which scientific progression ultimately blends all ecosystems together into a singularity.

Liminal Hybridity

Exhibited in Brunswick Street Gallery, ‘Liminal Hybridity’ focuses on exposing the phenomenology of dreams and the awareness of dimensions beyond the physical plane. The interconnection of incongruous worlds are portrayed through the existence of the physical body in the metaphysical realm coexisting alongside uncanny anthropomorphic beings derived from the natural world.